Thursday, October 29, 2009

Project Chicky Buck

At a time when many of us have had to find a way to make the best with what we have--give up those weekly pedicures, a few less Starbucks, and even cut back on shopping (did I actually say that!?), it is no wonder that I find myself strolling around downtown today in my Gucci heels from 2 seasons ago and my newly acquired Rubber Chicken Handbag. Yes, it's true, this Gucci Girl was spotted, by all those there to see, toting a rubber chicken on her arm today.

Leave it to my mother to come up with the idea. The San Juan Batista Chicken Festival, where chickens roam the streets & there is not a fried chicken stand in sight, is place where chickens stand in high regard--and as mom put it, "Chickens are people too". In fact, I do confess that I could feel a tinge of distinction today while flaunting my beloved chicken about town (which I affectionately refer to as "Chicky Buck"--adapted from childhood memories of "Chicky buck buck"-ing to my pet chickens)--and it's no shock that I did have this feeling. . .As it turns out, the crowned Chicken Princess in San Juan Batista donned the very same handbag!

Off to work I go this morning, clad in my khaki pencil skirt, white button down, and Gucci sandals, ready for Chicky Buck's public debut. I had not a clue as to what sort of response I would provoke from fellow downtowners as they dash from one street to another on their way to 'here' or 'there'. However, the reactions were, in fact, downright hilarious! There I am, this gal walking the streets in normal designer business attire and attached to her arm (worn 'lady bag' style) is a big rubber chicken!

The looks said it all. . ."Is she serious?", "WTF?", and even a whisper to the friend, "Look at what that lady is wearing on her arm" (as if I couldn't hear them with my highly trained eavesdropping ears). I felt like I was in one of those Glamour Magazine spoofs where they set up a scenario such as a woman walking around with her hot pink thong obviously coming out of her pants just to see what people will say and do. Suffice to say, this little adventure in chicken land, was a riot!

I took this gift quite seriously, as one would expect from a connoisseur of handbags. My mother, however, was astonished that I actually displayed the handbag in public. My husband, on the other hand, was not shocked at all. He understands my enjoyment in pushing the envelope of fashion. And besides. . .at a time when life has become so serious, it's vital to create a bit of fun now and then!

By popular demand, Chicky Buck will get another trip out into the public domain with me tomorrow--including her very first yoga class (do I hear a "Chicken-asana") and perhaps even a trip to the mall where she can have her first "Chicky Latte" (okay, I know--enough!)

So for all of you who have Chicken Bag Envy, longing to possess your very own rubber chicken handbag. . .well, there's always next year's San Juan Batista Chicken Festival--And hey, maybe we can all compete there for the Royal Crown of Chicken Princess!


  1. Good morning my swanky chick! I wonder if the stares and whispers were more for their astonishment-that girl looks so put together, did I miss that chicken bag from Gucci? The charm was the perfect decoy. I can definately see an InStyle what to wear at any age to where your chicken with the hot plaids of the season. You sister in fashion!

  2. Thanks Shelbs...that would be funny if people thought it was something special. A lady at a coffee shop wanted to know where I got it!
