Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Just Another Manic Monday. . ."

Alarm (otherwise known as my hubby shaking me intensely) goes off at 6am. I fight off the incredible urge to affix my wide-eyed princess kitten eye mask and crawl back under the covers. My mind starts to drift back into the dream that I was in the midst of when Alarm, aka 'hubby', goes off again. "Okay, okay I'm getting up I promise..."

I stumble out of bed and put the leftover coffee I have from Sunday's extra large batch into the microwave & then fill it with a large amount of white powdery, sugary, & oh-so-delish CofeeMate. Throwing on my 'take the hubby to work at the crack of dawn clothes'--a pair of jeans, tee & scarf and a fantabulous 'just rolled out of bed' hairdo (but hey, that's the look! People spend loads of money to attain what I had this morning naturally--"bed head"!)

I am driving, half asleep & half irritated that I am at up at the horribly dreadful hour of 7am. Then I realize....'sh$%#t! It's Monday!'. I think that for the entirety of my life I could have just skipped right over Monday and went onto Tuesday or even simply started my weeks with Wednesday. I love Wednesday. Such a pleasantly calming middle-of-the-week day. No beginning of the week blues like Monday or anticipation of the many-or not so many-social gatherings that Friday creates.

I'll spare you the details of the rest of my morning and fast-forward to the part where it really starts to turn into a Manic Monday... Park the car in the downtown parking garage, head down from the 6Th floor to the lobby and walk toward the place I'll call 'The Shop' ('The Shop' is where I work. And while I do in fact partake in actual work there, I hesitate to call it my job because I have previously held jobs and I don't think this befits such a title). Upon entering The Shop I find everything in disarray--& then it hits me...Indeed, this is the way we left it on Saturday at 6:30pm. I must do something and I must do it fast....solution: Find chocolate stash in handbag & down a few...or five. Feeling much more up for the challenge I face the task of getting prepared for yet another trade show--and why did I sign us up for this back to back with the other? Because I must love torturing myself with having 'too many things on my plate' at one time.

So then it happens...Just as I am making some progress. The cabinet door comes slamming down on my thumb, smashing my acrylic nail to pieces (& the thin natural nail I have hiding underneath looking petrified & hideous). Lovely. I will be 'stumpy thumb' for our show tomorrow. The perfect way to say "Hello, I am a professional, please buy my product". At this moment I acknowledge something that has been lurking in my filthy mind all morning--I'd rather be sipping cocktails seaside than dealing with the chaos of Mondays at The Shop.

And it is at this point that I make the executive decision (and it helps to make this decision at precisely 6pm) to leave it all behind until tomorrow. As a woman we have an incredible intuition. This intuition is hard-wired into our brains, enabling us to go beyond our opposite gender and be more in touch with our surroundings. My intuition was telling me one thing.....there is a hell-of-a-good chance you have the November issue of Lucky &/or Glamour--or perhaps both--in your mailbox at home.

Homeward bound, armed with mailbox key....and there she was. Precisely as I had predicted--not one, but two lovely 'girly' magazines. Now the only decision to make is what to watch while reading them.

And because this blog would not be the same without some tidbit of fashion FYI....
I discovered a lovely way for shoe-enthusiasts to have a shoe that's a little different than the rest--A SHOE CLUB! I finally found a club worth joining!

http://www.shoedazzle.com/ Check out the site for all the juicy details.

The pair that arrived in my mailbox over the weekend!

Fashion Movie Must See: "The September Issue"

A documentary of the making of Vogue Magazine's September Issue

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