Thursday, February 25, 2010

A MUST SEE--The September Issue

A documentary on the making of the 2009 September issue of Vogue Magazine & the life of Vogue mastermind, Anna Wintour is now out on DVD--"The September Issue".

The film takes us through the process of assembling the magazine's most important issue of the year--September. I love the way this documentary shows all the behind the scenes photo shoots, editing process, and characteristics of the key people involved in creating the artistry of a magazine that has stood as an icon of fashion for decades.

I adore Vogue for its spreads of gorgeous fashion photography--the not so wearable, but oh so appreciated as art type of clothing, paired with astonishing backdrops. The shots where the models are jumping for a photo shoot in 4.5" heels gives new appreciation to the extent of what goes into such photo artistry.

I highly recommend putting this on your 'to rent' list in the near future. It's not a fast paced movie at all, but thoroughly interesting--watch is solo or with a group of fellow fashionista gal pals.

Let us know what you think, comments would be lovely :)


  1. I'll definitely check it out. I've always wanted to get a birds eye view of the makings of a fashion magazine. Ironically, my concentration was magazine in my journalism program at Temple University, but my first jobs led me to newspaper reporting and book publishing.

    Though I interviewed for fashion magazines when I lived in NYC, those positions were highly sought after and always out of reach.

    I've heard stories about working for a fashion magazine that resembled the Prada movie, but that's Hollywood's version. I look forward to watching the real deal. Thanks again!

  2. Thanks Gayle and thanks for following! I hope you have had a chance to watch The September Issue. Next on the list: Coco Avant (before) Chanel. Fabulous bioepic about the early life of Chanel. And next after that. . .Valentino: The Last Emperor. A documentary on the exciting life of Valentino.
